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How to Help a Grieving Teenager

Grieving teenager in counseling session with a therapist

Grief is a normal response to losing a loved one or something else of personal value. When it comes to grieving teenagers, they may experience different emotions, coping mechanisms, and challenges. As a parent or caregiver of a grieving teenager, you may feel overwhelmed and confused. However, helping a teenager deal with grief can provide invaluable support during this difficult time.

If you need grief and loss therapy, Imagine Spokane is here to help. Contact us today at 888.384.3143 to learn we make a significant difference in adolescent mental health.

Helping a Teenager Deal with Grief

Dealing with grief can be a challenging and painful experience for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for teenagers. Adolescents often feel overwhelmed by their emotions, making navigating life’s toughest moments challenging. Here’s how to support a grieving teenager and make the process easier.

Understand Teen Grief

The first step in helping a grieving teenager is understanding that grief is a natural and individual process. In most cases, teenagers can feel the same emotions as adults, including shock, denial, anger, guilt, pain, sadness, and acceptance. However, they may express these feelings differently or hide them behind a facade of independence and strength. Teenagers may also grieve for different reasons, such as losing a friend, a grandparent, a pet, a relationship, a dream, or a sense of security.

Listen and Validate Their Feelings

One of the most important things you can do for a grieving teenager is to listen to them without judgment or criticism. Give them time to express their emotions, thoughts, and memories. Ask open-ended questions and acknowledge their pain. Avoid using platitudes, changing the subject, or telling them how they should feel. Instead, affirm that their feelings are normal and valid. If you find it hard to help them, you can encourage them to talk to a therapist or a support group.

Offer Support and Practical Help

Another way to help a grieving teenager is to offer practical support and help with daily tasks. Teenagers may struggle with school, chores, or hobbies while grieving, so you can lend a hand by cooking meals, doing laundry, walking the dog, or driving them to appointments. You can also offer to attend the funeral or memorial service, create a memory box or scrapbook, or plan a special activity to commemorate the loss. Physical contact, such as hugs or holding hands, can provide comfort and reassurance.

Encourage Self-Care and Healthy Coping

While feeling overwhelmed and sad after a loss is normal, taking care of oneself and finding healthy coping mechanisms is important. As a caregiver, you can encourage a grieving teenager to engage in activities that promote self-care, such as exercising, sleeping, eating well, and avoiding drugs or alcohol. You can also suggest creative outlets to express their feelings, like writing, drawing, or playing music. Moreover, you can help them find a support group or therapy option to provide guidance and resources.

Recognize That Grief Takes Time

Finally, it’s vital to remember that responding to teen grief is a process that takes time, patience, and understanding. Teens may experience ups and downs and may need different types of support at different stages of their grief journey. Your role as a caregiver is not to fix or cure their pain but rather to be a compassionate and consistent presence. Keep checking in with them, even after the initial shock has worn off, and let them know that you are there for them whenever they need it.

Find Help for Responding to Teen Grief at Imagine Spokane

If you or a loved one is a grieving teenager, Imagine Spokane can help. Our mental health treatment options, including PHP, IOP, group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, trauma-informed care, CBT, medication management, and educational advocacy, can address various mental and behavioral health challenges that arise from grief. Contact us today at 888.384.3143 or online to learn how we can support you and your family during this difficult time.